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Round vs Bladed Studs – What’s Better?

Round vs Bladed Studs – What’s Better?

Round vs Bladed Studs

Studs are critical. They are what make a soccer cleat be a soccer cleat. Therefore, players should always pay attention to their boots' stud type.

 All UNOZERO cleats have round, conical studs. Why? Because they provide smooth rotation and traction.

 Think about this:

 If you stick a round pole to the ground, are you able to rotate it? The answer is 'Yes".

 Now, if you stick a blade to the ground, are you able to rotate it? The answer is 'No'.

Cleats with round studs provide better rotation than those with bladed studs. It's that simple.

Get smooth on-field rotation and traction with UNOZERO cleats.


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